Ashoka University
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Published Papers

If you do not have access to a paper below, you can e-mail me (bharat.ramaswami [at]

Basis risk and the demand for catastrophic rainfall insurance (with D. S. Negi), , Q Open, 4 (1), 2024.

Assessing the costs of ozone pollution in India for wheat producers, consumers, and government food welfare policies (with Pandey, D., Sharps, K., Simpson, D., Cremades, R., Booth, N., Jamir, C., Büker, P., Sinha, V., Sinha, B. and Emberson, L.D.,), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(32), e2207081120, 2023.

International Risk Sharing for Food Staples (with S. Bradford and D.S. Negi), Journal of Development Economics, 158 (2022): 102894.

The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology: Farmers, Media and Opinion in India (with M.Murugkar, N. Lalitha and C. Pray), Economic and Political Weekly 2022, 57(12) 29-36

The Representative Agent Bias in Cost of Living Indices (with S. Bandyopadhyay), Bulletin of Economic Research, 2022, 74(1): 155-178

The Distributional Impact of Climate Change: Why Food Prices Matter (with E. Gupta and E. Somanathan), Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 2021, 5, 249–275.

Primary Education in India (with A. Kotwal and W.Wadhwa) In M. Hirsch, A. Kotwal and B. Ramaswami (Ed.,) A Human Rights Based Approach to Development in India University of British Columbia Press, 2019, 125-153.

Caste, Female Labor Supply and the Gender Wage Gap in India: Boserup Revisited (with K. Mahajan) Economic Development and Cultural Change, 65 (2): 339-378, 2017

International Trade and Risk Sharing in the Global Rice Market: The Impact of Foreign and Domestic Supply Shocks (with S. Jha and K. Kubo),Asian Development Review , Vol 33, no.1, pp 162-182, 2016

Incremental Food Policy Reforms: What are the Possibilities ? (with M. Murugkar) In S. Mahendra Dev and P. G. Babu (Ed.,) Development in India: Micro and Macro Perspectives Springer: New Delhi, 125-153, 2015

Delivering Food Subsidy : The State and the Market with A. R Herring The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics and Society, 301-326, Oxford University Press, 2015.

The politics and economics of GM food production in China, India and Kenya with Pray, Carl E., Jikun Huang, Jun Yang, Ruifa Hu, Latha Nagarajan, Anwar Naseem, Gal Hochman, and Sanjib Bhuyan, in Mitton, P. and Bennett, D. (eds.) Analyses: Africa’s Future ... Can Biosciences Contribute? Banson/B4FA, 2015.

The Informational and Signaling Impacts of Labels: Experimental Evidence from India and GM Foods (with S. Bansal and S. Chakravarty Environment and Development Economics, ,18,701-722, 2013

Status, Caste and the Time Allocation of Women in Rural India with M. Eswaran and W. Wadhwa. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 61 (2), 313-333, 2013.

The Political Economy of Food Subsidy in India with M. Murugkar and A. Kotwal. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 30 (2): 100-121, 2012.

The Percolation of Public Expenditure: Food Subsidies and the Poor in Indian and the Philippines with S Jha. India Policy Forum, 2011/12, 8: 95-138, 2012.

The Spread of Illegal Transgenic Cotton Varieties in India: Biosafety Regulation, Monopoly and Enforcement with N. Lalitha and C. Pray. World Development 40 (1), 177-188, 2012.

The Public Distribution System pp. 567-571 in The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India, edited by K. Basu and A. Maertens, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.

Unemployment, The Measurement of with W. Wadhwa, pp. 718-721 in The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India, edited by K. Basu and A. Maertens, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.

Economic Liberalization and Indian Economic Growth: What's the Evidence? with A. Kotwal and W. Wadhwa. Journal of Economic Literature 49:4, 1152-1159, 2011.

PDS Forever? with A. Kotwal and M. Murugkar. Economic and Political Weekly XLVI (21), 72-76, May 2011.

Impact of Bt Cotton: The Potential Future Benefits from Biotechnology in China and India with C. Pray, L. Nagarajan, J. Huang and R. Hu, pp. 83-114 in Frontiers of Globalization: Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare, edited by G. Moschini, C. Carter and I. Sheldon, Emerald Books,2011.

Labels for GM Foods: What Can They Do? with S. Bansal. Economic and Political Weekly: Review of Agriculture, XLV (26/27), 167-173, 2010.

Product Proliferation in India's Cotton Seed Market: Are There Too Many Varieties? with M. Murugkar and M. Shelar. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization Vol. 7: Issue 1, Article 2, 1-15, 2009.

Grower Heterogeneity and the Gains from Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry with P. S. Birthal and P. K. Joshi. Indian Growth and Development Review, 2(1): 56-74, 2009.

India's Experience with Bt Cotton: Case Studies from Gujarat and Maharashtra with N. Lalitha and P. K. Vishwanathan, pp. 135-167 in Biotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-Poor Farmers, edited by R. Tripp, Routledge, London, 2009.

Sectoral Labour Flows and Agricultural Wages in India, 1983-2004: Has Growth Trickled Down? with M. Eswaran, A. Kotwal and W. Wadhwa. Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (3), 46-55, 2009.

Biofortified Crops and Biotechnology: A Political Economy Landscape for India. The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and Economics, 10(3): 170-177, 2007.

Hedging and the Emergence of Commodity Futures: The Soya Oil Exchange in India with J. B. Singh. Review of Futures Markets, 16 (1), 33-54, 2007.

Pesticide Use Pattern among Cotton Cultivators in Gujarat with N. Lalitha, pp. 77-98 in Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat edited by R. H. Dholakia, Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, 2007.

Competition and Monopoly in the Indian Cotton Seed Market with M. Murugkar and M. Shelar. Economic and Political Weekly, 62 (37): 3781-3789, September 15-21, 2007.

Costs and Enforcement of Biotechnology Regulations in India and China with C. Pray, J. Huang, P. Bengali, R.Hu and H. Zhang. International Journal of Technology and Globalization, 2 (1/2): 137-157, 2006.

India: Confronting the Challenge - The Potential of Genetically Modified Crops for the Poor with C. Pray, pp. 156-174 in The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development, edited by S. Fukuda-Parr, Earthscan, London, April 2006.

Benefits And Costs Of Biosafety Regulation in India and China with C. Pray, J. Huang, P. Bengali, R.Hu and Q. Wang, in Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology: Economics and Policy, edited by R.E. Just, J.M. Alston and D. Zilberman, Springer, New York, 2006.

The Size and Growth of the Agribusiness Sector in India with J. B. Singh, pp. 75-83 in Agribusiness and the Small Farmer, edited by B. Debroy and A. U. Khan, Angus & Grapher, New Delhi, 2006.

The Cost of Biosafety Regulation: The Indian Experience with C. Pray and P. Bengali. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, 44 (3): 267-289, 2005..

Reducing Subsidies on Household Fuels in India: How will it Affect the Poor? with S. Gangopadhyay and W.Wadhwa. Energy Policy,33 (18), 2326-233, 2005.

Aggregation in Area Yield Crop Insurance: The Linear Additive Model with T. Roe. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86 (2): 420-31, 2004.

Reforming Food Subsidies: Estimating the Gains from Self-targeting in India with B. Dutta. Review of Development Economics, 8 (2): 309-324, 2004.

Labor Income and Risky Investments: Can Part-time Farmers Compete? with H.Andersson and B.S. Ramamurtie. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 50, 477-493, 2003.

Food Prices and the Efficiency of Public Intervention: The Case of the Public Distribution System in India with P. Balakrishnan. Food Policy, 27, 419-436, 2002.

Understanding the Seed Industry: Contemporary Trends and Analytical Issues in the Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Conference Number, 57 (3): 417-429, 2002.

Efficiency and Equity of Food Market Interventions. Special Article in the Economic and Political Weekly, 37 (12): 1129-1135, 2002.

Dissemination of Private Hybrids and Crop Yields in the Semi-Arid Tropics of India with C. Pray and T. Kelley. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57 (1): 39-51, 2002.

The Impact of Economic Reforms on R&D by the Indian Seed Industry with C. Pray and T. Kelley. Food Policy, 26 (6): 587-598, 2001.

Liberalization's Impact on the Indian Seed Industry: Competition, Research and Impact on Farmers with C. Pray. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2 (3/4): 407-420, 2001.

Targeting and Efficiency in the Public Distribution System: Case of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtrawith B. Dutta. Special Article in the Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVI (18), 1524-1532, 2001.

Analysing Public Intervention in Foodgrains Markets with P. Balakrishnan, pp. 117-143 in Public Support for Food Security edited by N. Krishnaji and T. N. Krishnan, Sage, New Delhi, 2000.

Forecasting Errors in the Absence of a Futures Market: Assessing the Speculative Efficiency of the Indian Wheat Market in the Review of Development Economics, 4 (2), 184-193, June 2000.

Economic Reforms of Agriculture and Rural Growth with A. Kotwal. Journal of Policy Reform,2, 369-402, 1998. A slightly different version appears in pp. 121-159, India in the Era of Economic Reforms, edited by J. D. Sachs, A. Varshney and N. Bajpai, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999.

The Quality of the Public Distribution System: Why it Matters with P. Balakrishnan. Special Article in the Economic and Political Weekly, XXXII (4), 162-165, 1997.

Public Intervention and Private Speculation: The Case of Wheat Procurement with P. Balakrishnan. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 11, (2), 59-83, 1995.

Supply Response to Agricultural Insurance: Risk Reduction and Moral Hazard Effects in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75: 914-925, 1993.

Production Risk and Optimal Input Decisions in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74: 860-69, 1992.

Crop Insurance in Incomplete Markets with T. Roe, pp. 291-306 in Contributions to Insurance Economics, edited by G. Dionne, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1991.